To put in simple words, it is a degree level examination in engineering, recognized by all State Governments, Central Govt., AICTE, UPSC etc as equivalent to B.E/B.Tech. That means, those who pass AMIIE Examination will get equal opportunities for job as well as higher education in both Govt. and private sectors, just like a B.E or B.Tech holder. The Institution of Engineers (India), the largest multidisciplinary body of engineers in the country is the authority that prepares syllabus, conducts examination and issue certificates etc. of AMIIE. Engineering through Distance learning The attraction with AMIIE is that it is a recognized engineering degree course that can be studied in distance education style. Since this course does not demand any class room attendance, anyone who meets the specified eligibility criteria can become a graduate engineer in the least possible time and expense! Since we arrange AMIIE Postal Class, this course is especially suitable for employed person, as they can study this course without being interfering with their job, whether they are in India or abroad.. Indian Institution Engineers (IIE) is one of the oldest professional institutions in India established in 2001 to promote, advance and update knowledge, business & practice of engineering professionals. IIE Institution is thus helping thousands of younger members of community working in engineering to obtain engineering qualification & also to advance their technical knowledge & enhance their engineering career but, who have been unfortunate in securing admission in regular Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges due to no fault of their through non formal system of education. New product designand development is more often than not a crucial factor in the survival of a institution.In an industry that is changing fast, firms must continually revise theirdesign and range of products. This is necessary due to continuous technology changeand development as well as other competitors and the changing preference ofcustomers. Without an R&D program, a firm must rely on strategic alliances, acquisitions,and networks to tap into the innovations of others.

AMIIE stands for Associate Member of Institution of Engineers.

To put in simple words, it is a degree level examination in engineering, recognized by all State Governments, Central Govt., AICTE, UPSC etc as equivalent to B.E/B.Tech. That means, those who pass AMIIE Examination will get equal opportunities for job as well as higher education in both Govt. and private sectors, just like a B.E or B.Tech holder. The Institution of Engineers (India), the largest multidisciplinary body of engineers in the country is the authority that prepares syllabus, conducts examination and issue certificates etc. of AMIIE. Engineering through Distance learning The attraction with AMIIE is that it is a recognized engineering degree course that can be studied in distance education style. Since this course does not demand any class room attendance, anyone who meets the specified eligibility criteria can become a graduate engineer in the least possible time and expense! Since we arrange AMIIE Postal Class, this course is especially suitable for employed person, as they can study this course without being interfering with their job, whether they are in India or abroad.. AMIIE-Equivalent to B-Tech.

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